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The Grand Duchess Elisabeth Romanov Society, of which His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe is Patron, will hold a conference and exhibition in Oxford on the 11th and 12th October (new-style calendar). The topic of the Conference — ‘Saving the Romanovs’ — will appeal to anyone with an interest in the legacy of the Russian Imperial House in the twentieth century, especially in its relationship with the British Royal House. The conference is, in particular, dedicated to the centenary of the departure from Crimea of the Dowager Empress and her daughter, the Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, together with other prominent members of the Romanov family.

The past three years have seen centenaries of various tragic events associated with the Imperial dynasty: in 2017 historians faced difficult questions about the Russian revolution and the forced abdication of Godly Tsar, St Nicholas. In 2018, the sorrowful, earthly end of the Tsar’s Family was commemorated, together with that of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth and other victims of the Bolshevik regime — tragedies in worldly terms, yet sacred in the eyes of God and glorious in His Church. In the present 2019 we have remembered the Romanovs who were ruthlessly martyred in St Petersburg (a total of 18 representatives of the Imperial dynasty thus died), as well as those who managed to escape the encroaching atheistic regime by leaving Russia for the diaspora.

The Society’s conference in Oxford will be dedicated to the story of the Romanov family’s rescue, its exodus and finding refuge in foreign lands. Speakers will focus on Great Britain and its role in these events, and on the British – Russian relationship more broadly. Tribute will be paid to the Tsar’s sainted family, the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and other members of the Romanov Imperial House who were savagely killed in Russia and who are venerated by Orthodox Christians as Holy Martyrs.

Tickets for the Conference are available from the Secretary of the Society, David Gilchrist, at djgilx@btinternet.com.

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