Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Theotokos of Europe
Click here for information on the Diocese's response to the war in Ukraine

Our Church stands wholly against the evil of the war in Ukraine, and strives in all ways to support our suffering brethren who are currently facing the horrors of bloodshed and various persecutions. Please watch the video by our Ruling Bishop, His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, for a clear explanation of our Church’s position, and read below for additional details.

The Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, following the Gospel, Holy Canons and pastoral tradition of the Church Abroad, abhors violence and warfare, and explicitly prays and works for the immediate end to the unjust bloodshed taking place in Ukraine — the spiritual homeland of all the faithful descendants of St Vladimir: the great baptiser of our Church. The Church Abroad, as an autonomous Church governed by her Holy Synod in New York, is not affiliated with any government or national identity, but, in the spirit of pre-revolutionary Imperial Russian Orthodoxy, centred in the diaspora for more than a century, calls firmly for the unity of all Orthodox Christians in the Church, regardless of nationality or language, and for the immediate end to the war currently dividing, wounding and killing our many peoples.

Since the outset of the war in Ukraine, our Diocese has prayed and worked — and continues to do so — for the immediate end to unjust hostilities, warfare and persecutions. Prayers are offered for the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine at every service in every parish of the Diocese; and responses to the war have included the organisation of food banks for refugees, assistance in relocation and housing of refugees, provision of legal and social support, the organisation of summer camps for the children of refugee families, the pastoral provision of care for clergy and faithful arriving in Europe from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; as well as fundraising for the humanitarian works of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine itself, together with specific parishes and monasteries; and for the support of those seeking shelter in the territory of our Diocese.

Those wishing for more details on the Diocese’s activities in response to the war may read announcements outlining its extensive practical works on those suffering in and from the war in Ukraine (as well as older and more recent updates on the same); and for those wishing clarity on the issue of anti-Christian persecutions taking place within the broader context of the war may read Bishop Irenei’s open letter on the persecution of Christians in Ukraine.

A New Icon of St John the Wonderworker is Blessed in the Pokrov Parish Founded by the Saint in the Netherlands. | В основанном святителем Покровском приходе в Нидерландах освящена новая икона святителя Иоанна чудотворца.

The Pokrov Parish in Arnhem honours its founding Bishop with a new icon. | Покровский приход в Арнеме почтил своего епископа-основателя новой иконой.

Soborovanie is Celebrated in Arnhem, Netherlands, and in Luxembourg. | Чин соборования совершается в Арнеме (Нидерланды) и в Люксембурге.

Many faithful were anointed in two historic parishes of the Diocese. | Многие верующие были помазаны в двух исторических приходах епархии.

The Feast of the Annunciation and the Veneration of the Cross are Marked in London, and a Significant Anniversary is Celebrated. | В неделю Крестопоклонную в Лондоне отметили праздник Благовещения и знаменательный юбилей.

On the feastday, Subdeacon Alexander Shadrin celebrated 20 years since ordination. | В праздник иподиакон Александр Шадрин отметил 20-летие со дня хиротесии.

Welcome to our web site

Welcome to the official web site of the Church Abroad’s Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe. Dwelling and living in the Diaspora, this historic Diocese shares the rich treasures of Orthodox Christianity with all peoples, embracing the Orthodox history of these lands and the intercessions of our host of local Saints, in order to draw peoples of every nationality, tongue, age and race into the life of the Gospel that has been proclaimed in our Church for more than 2,000 years.

Latest News
Bishop Irenei Heads the Divine Services of the Sunday of St John of the Ladder in the Parish of St Mary in Amsterdam. | Епископ Ириней возглавил богослужения в Неделю преп. Иоанна Лествичника в приходе святой Марии Египетской в Амстердаме.
Bishop Irenei Heads the Divine Services of the Sunday of St John of the Ladder in the Parish of St Mary in Amsterdam.
A New Icon of St John the Wonderworker is Blessed in the Pokrov Parish Founded by the Saint in the Netherlands. | В основанном святителем Покровском приходе в Нидерландах освящена новая икона святителя Иоанна чудотворца.
A New Icon of St John the Wonderworker is Blessed in the Pokrov Parish Founded by the Saint in the Netherlands.
Soborovanie is Celebrated in Arnhem, Netherlands, and in Luxembourg. | Чин соборования совершается в Арнеме (Нидерланды) и в Люксембурге.
Soborovanie is Celebrated in Arnhem, Netherlands, and in Luxembourg.
In April 2024, the London Cathedral Food Bank Continues its Support of Refugees from the War in Ukraine and Others in Need with the Support of London Businesses. | В апреле 2024 г. продовольственный банк Лондонского собора продолжает оказывать поддержку беженцам от войны в Украине и другим нуждающимся.
In April 2024, the London Cathedral Food Bank Continues its Support of Refugees from the War in Ukraine and Others in Need with the Support of London Businesses.
The London Cathedral Congratulates its Former Deputy Rector on His 75th Birthday. | Лондонский собор поздравляет своего бывшего заместителя настоятеля с 75-летием.
The London Cathedral Congratulates its Former Deputy Rector on His 75th Birthday.
The Feast of the Annunciation and the Veneration of the Cross are Marked in London, and a Significant Anniversary is Celebrated. | В неделю Крестопоклонную в Лондоне отметили праздник Благовещения и знаменательный юбилей.
The Feast of the Annunciation and the Veneration of the Cross are Marked in London, and a Significant Anniversary is Celebrated.
In the Third Week of Great Lent, the Hierarchical Rite of Unction Was Celebrated in Lyon, Zurich, Bern and Meudon. | В третью седмицу Великого поста архиерейский чин соборования был совершен в Лионе, Цюрихе, Берне и Мэдоне.
In the Third Week of Great Lent, the Hierarchical Rite of Unction Was Celebrated in Lyon, Zurich, Bern and Meudon.
Bishop Irenei delivering lenten homily, March 2024
'There is one war we can call holy, and this is the war waged against sin in the human heart...': Lenten Epistle of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe.
In the Second Week of Great Lent, Holy Unction was Served in Wallasey, Vevey and Menton. | В течение второй недели Великого поста чин Елеосвящения был совершен в Уолласи, Веве и Ментоне.
In the Second Week of Great Lent, Holy Unction was Served in Wallasey, Vevey and Menton. | В течение второй недели Великого поста чин Елеосвящения был совершен в Уолласи, Веве и Ментоне.
Registration is Now Open for the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Bishop Irenei, 14-26 August 2024. | Анонс: Епархиальное паломничество на Святую Землю с епископом Иринеем, 14-26 август 2024 г. (регистрация онлайн). | Annonce : Pèlerinage diocésain en Terre Sainte avec Mgr Irenei, 14-26 août 2024 (inscrivez-vous en ligne).
Registration is Now Open for the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 14-26 August 2024.
The First Service of General Unction for Great Lent 2024 is Served in Wallasey, England. | Первое соборование Великого поста 2024 года совершено в Уолласи, Англия.
The First Service of General Unction for Great Lent 2024 is Served in Wallasey, England.
Swiss Media Once Again Highlight the Diocese's Works for Peace and Aid to Ukrainian Refugees in Switzerland. | Швейцарские СМИ в очередной раз сообщают о работе епархии во имя мира и помощи украинским беженцам. | Les médias suisses rendent compte à nouveau des œuvres du diocèse pour la paix et l'aide aux réfugiés ukrainiens.
Swiss Media Once Again Highlight the Diocese's Works for Peace and Aid to Ukrainian Refugees in Switzerland.

The Ruling Bishop

His Grace Bishop Irenei of London & Western Europe

Biography | Calendar

Our Diocese
Our Church Abroad
Prayers & Liturgics

Latest Communications from the Diocesan Bishop:

'There is one war we can call holy, and this is the war waged against sin in the human heart...': Lenten Epistle of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe.
'We seek not to be enslaved, but to be set free...': Sermon of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe on the Sunday of Forgiveness.
‘I desire not merely to be called a Christian, but truly to be found to be one’: Sermon of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe on the Memorial of St Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch.
Nativity Epistle of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, 2023.
The Diocese in Brief:

Welcome to the official web site of the Church Abroad’s Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe. Dwelling and living in the Diaspora, this historic Diocese shares the rich treasures of Orthodox Christianity with all peoples, embracing the Orthodox history of these lands and the intercessions of our host of local Saints, in order to draw peoples of every nationality, tongue, age and race into the life of the Gospel that has been proclaimed in our Church for more than 2,000 years.

Celebrating its centenary jubilee in 2021, the Church Abroad (also known as the ROCOR: Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, as distinct from the Church within Russia itself: the Moscow Patriarchate) continues in the ancient tradition of our Holy Fathers, preserving the true faith in Christ across the generations, standing firm upon the foundations laid by the Apostles. Our Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe has a remarkable history, numbering amongst its Ruling Bishops the universally-beloved St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker, and maintaining a pious adherence to the full life of the Orthodox Church in parishes that range from pre-revolutionary cathedrals to newly-established parishes and missions. We welcome you to partake of the sacramental, pastoral and missionary life of our communities today.


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