London Cathedral


of the Nativity of the Mother of God and Holy Royal Martyrs

Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia


Schedule of ServicesVisit Us
Click here for information on the Cathedral's response to the war in Ukraine

Our Cathedral of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe, following the Gospel, Holy Canons and pastoral tradition of the Church Abroad, abhors violence and warfare, and explicitly prays and works for the immediate end to the unjust bloodshed taking place in Ukraine — the spiritual homeland of all the faithful descendants of St Vladimir: the great baptiser of our Church. The Church Abroad, as an autonomous Church governed by her Holy Synod in New York, is not affiliated with any government or national identity, but, in the spirit of pre-revolutionary Imperial Russian Orthodoxy, centred in the diaspora for more than a century and incorporating our Parish which has been in London for more than three centuries, calls firmly for the unity of all Orthodox Christians in the Church, regardless of nationality or language, and for the immediate end to the war currently dividing, wounding and killing our many peoples.

Since the outset of the war in Ukraine, our Diocese has prayed and worked — and continues to do so — for the immediate end to unjust hostilities, warfare and persecutions. Prayers are offered for the cessation of the warfare in Ukraine at every service of our Cathedral; and responses to the war have included the organisation of our Cathedral Food Bank for refugees, fundraising for refugees arriving in London and for those suffering in Ukraine; and, at a Diocesan level, assistance in relocation and housing of refugees, provision of legal and social support, the organisation of summer camps for the children of refugee families, the pastoral provision of care for clergy and faithful arriving in Europe from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; as well as fundraising for the humanitarian works of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine itself, together with specific parishes and monasteries; and for the support of those seeking shelter in the territory of our Diocese.

Those wishing for more details on the Diocese’s activities in response to the war may read announcements outlining its extensive practical works on those suffering in and from the war in Ukraine (as well as older and more recent updates on the same); and for those wishing clarity on the issue of anti-Christian persecutions taking place within the broader context of the war may read Bishop Irenei’s open letter on the persecution of Christians in Ukraine.


The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God and the Holy Royal Martyrs is the Cathedral See of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe of the Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), and is one of the oldest Orthodox parishes in the British Isles, having been founded in 1725. Having moved several times in its three-century history, today it lifts up prayers in the full splendour of the Orthodox Christian Divine Services in a new Cathedral in Chiswick, West London, built in the Pskov style and consecrated in 2018.

The Cathedral is the seat of the Diocesan Bishop for the whole of Western Europe, and is a vibrant Parish in its own right. Divine Liturgies are celebrated 4-5 times per week, with multiple evening services also each week. The services are in a mixture of Church Slavonic (the traditional liturgical language of Orthodoxy in the Slavic lands and their diaspora) and English.

This web site provides details on the Divine Services, contact and arrival information, as well as information on a few of the Cathedral’s principal activities, such as its Youth Group, Food Bank and Sisterhood.

Cathedral Address

57 Harvard Road
W4 4ED

Regular Services

Saturday Vigils, 5.00 p.m.
Sunday Liturgies, 10.00 a.m.
Weekday/Sat. Liturgies, 9.00 a.m.
Friday Akathist, 6.15 p.m.

Main Contacts

Archpriest Vitaly Serapinas:
Tel: +44 7935 700 721
Archpriest Yaroslav Hudymenko:
Tel: +44 7563 407 991

Schedule of Services

Divine Services are normally held on a pattern of four Liturgies each week, with additional evening services. The Divine Liturgy is always celebrated on Saturday and Sunday Mornings, and there is always a Vigil on Saturday evening. Apart from summertime, the Akathist to the Theotokos is served on Friday evenings. Weekday Liturgies depend on the commemorations during a given week. Please read our guidance on visiting the Cathedral, including dress code, instructions for receiving the Sacraments, guidance for parents of small children, and more.

Latest News

The London Cathedral publishes January newsletter. | Лондонский кафедральный собор публикует январский выпуск информационного бюллетеня.

English: The London Cathedral has published January newsletter. It is available below in Russian and English versions. Print versions are available in the Cathedral. Русский: Лондонский кафедральный собор опубликовал январский выпуск своего информационного бюллетеня....

REMINDER: Fifth Annual Church Musicians’ Conference to Take Place in London from 25-28 January. | НАПОМИНАНИЕ: Пятая ежегодная конференция церковных музыкантов пройдет в Лондоне 25-28 января.

English: A reminder that, as previously communicated, the fifth Pan-European Orthodox Liturgical Music Conference, on the theme ‘Beauty in Divine Services: The Practice of Choral Singing’, celebrating the anniversaries of A.A. Arkhangelsky and A.V. Nikolsky, will...

Metropolitan Silouan of the Antiochian Archdiocese in the British Isles Celebrates at the London Cathedral on the Feast of St Nicholas. | Митрополит Силуан, управляющий Антиохийской епархии на Британских островах посетил лондонский кафедральный собор на праздник святителя Николая.

Metropolitan Silouan and Bishop Irenei concelebrate the Feast of St Nicholas English: 6 / 19 DECEMBER 2023: On the winter feast of St Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia, His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan (Oner), Ruling Hierarch of the Antiochian Archdiocese of...

A New Book is Published on the Architecture, Iconography and History of the London Cathedral.

The Cathedral is pleased to announce publication of a new book: The London Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God and the Holy Royal Martyrs: Architecture, Iconostasis, Painting (eds. Prof A Zdanovich and N Mabin) is an album of beautiful photographs of the Cathedral’s iconography, together with information about the parish, its history, and the unique architectural and artistic significance of the Cathedral building itself. Essays within the volume include ‘Christianity in the British Isles’; ‘A Brief History of the London Cathedral’; and texts examining the Cathedral’s architecture, iconostasis and frescoes.

Writing in the Foreword, His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe notes: ‘We pray that through the present volume, the unique treasures of this place may be appreciated and shared; and these pages will find their intended fulfilment if, having read them and gazed upon the images they convey, the desire stirs within the reader to “come and see”, and to experience directly the beauty of this sacred space and the God to Whom it is dedicated.’

The book is available at the kiosk of the London Cathedral (Hardback, 96 pages, £15); copies can also be ordered for delivery by post, by contacting the Cathedral via e-mail.


The Cathedral’s services are sung by a choir of mixed male and female voices, comprised of any and all faithful who wish to sing to the glory of God. Every service is sung by all those singers who wish to sing and have made a habit of regularly attending the choir rehearsals, which take place Sunday mornings from 9.00 a.m. in the Parish House. We are especially in need of new singers, and those who can sing at the Saturday evening Vigils.

Youth Group

An active Youth Group supports and coordinates the activities of the young people in the Parish, organising evening events, youth pilgrimages, service projects, film nights, and activities within the parish. The youth group welcomes all those in the general age group of 14-30 years.

The Cathedral Food Bank

The Cathedral operates an active foodbank, providing free food to families in need — refugees from the war in Ukraine, parishioners and visitors in difficult circumstances, and those affected by the cost-of-living crisis. The food bank operates by-weekly from the Cathedral House; please enquire for further details.


The Sisterhood of St Xenia brings together women of the Cathedral to support its life. Its activities include: visiting the sick, helping the poor, baking prosfora, maintaining the sacred vestments of the church, preparing meals for Church festivals and Sundays, and more.

'We have seen the True Light; we have received the heavenly Spirit; we have found the True Faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.'


– From the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

'As the Prophets beheld, as the Apostles taught, as the Church has received, as Grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed: Thus we declare, thus we assert, and thus we preach.'


– From the Rite of the Solemnity of Holy Orthodoxy

'For our good, for our happiness, let us make a vow: that from this day, this hour, this very minute, we should try to love God above all else and carry out His teachings.'


– St Herman, Enlightener of Alaska, Canonised by the Church Abroad

'This is the Faith of the Apostles, this is the Faith of the Fathers, this is the Faith of the Orthodox, this is the Faith which has established the Universe!'


– From the Rite of the Triumph of Holy Orthodoxy

Cathedral Clergy

Cathedral Rector

His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe

The Cathedral is the See of the Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe.


Archpriest Vitaly Serapinas

Tel: +44 7935 700 721
Contact via e-mail

Cathedral Priest

Archpriest Yaroslav Hudymenko

Tel: +44 7563 407 991
Contact via e-mail

Retired Priest

Archpriest Peter Baulk

Tel: +44 771 432 4482
Contact via e-mail

Cathedral Deacon

Deacon Andrei Borisas

Tel. +44 7876 474358
Contact via e-mail

Visiting Deacon

Deacon Sergei Baranov

57 Harvard Rd, Chiswick, London, W4 4ED

Contact and Arrival Information


57 Harvard Road
W4 4ED

The Cathedral is located in Harvard Road, Chiswick, West London. There are both rail and tube stations within walking distance, and several bus routes have stops nearby; please click the ‘Directions’ button on the Google Map below, whereupon you can enter your home/starting address and be provided with detailed instructions for arrival by public transportation or car.

The Cathedral is open during all periods of the Divine Services listed on our Calendar, as well as at other times by appointment. If you would like to visit the Cathedral outside the times of the scheduled services, please contact a member of the clergy. Please take a moment to read our guidance on visiting the Cathedral.

E-mail contact

Copyright © 2005-2023
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God
and the Holy Royal Martyrs (ROCOR)

Registered Charity no. 234203